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Thunder & Lightning

by Rebecca Valentino

Thunder and lightning
There’s nothing more frightening
Than all the loud noises it

With a crack and a boom
I hide in my room
And under my covers I

But louder and louder
And closer and closer
The cracks and the booms

So deeper and deeper
I dig in my covers
And now to avoid it I

The thunder’s still louder
And the lightning much brighter
Than my voice or my nightlight could

So I scream to my mom
And then to my Dad
“Oh please would you come sleep with

Will Not Grow

by Rebecca Valentino

I’m watering this flower,

I’m hoping it will grow.

I fed it every day this year,

It doesn’t even show.

I talk to it I even sing,

It’s hardly by itself.

In my bed it sleeps with me,

Not lonely on a shelf.

I dress it every morning,

I clean the dirt at night.

But sadly though, it will not grow,

And it’s a ghastly sight!

A Few Poems

A Pet

by Rebecca Valentino

I really need a puppy
I long for a new pet
There is a space inside my home
That’s not been filled up yet

I only have four cats,
Two birds and a pet pig,
5 hamsters, and a ferret and
One cow that’s not too big

I have a little donkey,
Two snakes and one small horse,
Surely you can see why
I need a dog of course!

Hand Me Down Clothes

by Rebecca Valentino

Hand me down clothes
All kids get those
Or at least that’s what Ma tells me.

But these pants are too small
And I’m just way too tall
But Ma says, “wear them, they’re free!”

But this shirt is too tight
It doesn’t look right
And I feel a bit like a goon.

Ma says she don’t care
‘Cuz the stuff that I wear
Will be ruined from playing real soon!

Hand Me Down Clothes by Rebecca Valentino - illustration Chris Valentino

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